Lacuna Part 1. (PDF)
Sinister secret agents with shadowy employers and mysterious pasts. A bizarre landscape built from six- billion human minds. Arachnid-headed beings that guard a war-torn borderzone. And all the worst that Mankind has to offer, stalking the alleys and crumbling buildings of a place called Blue City.
Is it a dream? Is it a nightmare? Or is it just a game? And are you already playing?

Additional Info
“…fabulously cool.” - Ken Hite, Out of the Box
“…elegant and simple mechanics for resolving conflicts…the inclusion of the heart-rate mechanic is fantastic [and] it’s one of the best pacing mechanics that I’ve seen so far…” - Paul Tevis, Have Games, Will Travel
“It is, in my view, the best work from Memento Mori by a considerable margin, and if you haven’t been paying attention, that means I think it’s one of the strongest RPGs in existence.” - Ron Edwards, Sorcerer
“This game is amazing. I think, and I can’t believe I’m going to say this, that this is Jared’s best design. And I think Inspectres is one of the best RPGs ever written.” - Luke Crane, Burning Wheel
“…one of the most unusual, thought-provoking, and limitless RPGs of the past 10 years.” - Zachary Houghton, RPG Blog